
Routes, Maps, and Routines

I take off on my bike only to stop and strap my Fitbit to my shoe—this requires untying and retying the laces.  I should know this by now, I think, except that I haven’t been riding my bike as much this summer as I used to.  This evening, the need to move faster than a walking pace took hold, so...[ read more ]

A Tension of Openness

Paradox seems to be the nature of life.  We must let go to take in, to receive.  We must relax in order to use our strength best.  The simple act of breathing illustrates this. I was meditating a few days ago when I noticed something I somehow didn’t remember noticing before.  I have been meditating for years, so this seemed...[ read more ]

Welcome, Survivor. We Need You.

The last couple of weeks have been particularly rough for countless women who were aware of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. There has been at least one viral Facebook post written by a woman in which she stated that although she had never been sexually assaulted, the pain she felt, and saw in women around her,...[ read more ]

The Well

The image of the well is an archetype based on the primal need for water, which is essential for life.  We are dependent on water, on fluids in our internal and external environments, from the time we are embryos.  The archetype of the well springs from this need and includes other needs: the need for inner wisdom, coming from our...[ read more ]

Maybe You Don’t Need Therapy, But Everyone Deserves Therapy

As both a therapist and a therapy client, I am painfully aware of the stigma mental health services, including therapy, have in our country. I am also painfully aware of both the limits of therapy and the many, many people who could have better lives if they had access to therapy, but don't. Too many people are now using the...[ read more ]

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Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 262-0080

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